Are you receiving phone calls, emails, or other communications from debt collectors? Often the persistence of debt collectors can be annoying and stressful, making your life miserable until you can ...
The one common mistake made by all people with past-due debts is that they spend a lot more than they actually have. Student loans, credit card bills, bank loans or loans from other creditors all add ...
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was approved in 1977 to protect consumers from abusive debt collection practices and to provide consumers with an avenue for disputing and obtaining ...
Order To Show Cause To Vacate Judgment It might be easier to resolve a debt that has not entered garnishment status, but if you’re wages are being seized, it still might not be too late to get help. ...
Declaring bankruptcy can be a massive blow to your financial standing, and may have a serious negative impact on your credit. However, doing so should be a blessing in disguise as you have the ability ...
Many people find themselves being crushed by overwhelming debt. Because people’s wages have rarely matched the rate of inflation, more and more people find themselves needing to take out loans that ...