Debt Relief Lawyers
Free Initial Evaluation 888.301.0584

Is Mandarich Law Group Suing You?

Being served with a lawsuit can be scary ordeal. Most people have questions and are looking for a reliable guidance. If you've been sued by Mandarich Law Group LLP in New York, you may be wondering:

  1. Who is Mandarich Law Group? Are they legitimate?
  2. Why are they suing me?
  3. Do I really owe the amount they are claiming?
  4. Can I fight and settle for less than what I owe?

You have defenses! Don't give up without a fight! At the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg PLLC, we are dedicated to fighting collection lawsuits and working towards resolutions that are reasonable and affordable. Our attorneys can analyze your situation, determine your hardship and defenses, and implement a plan that is customized to fit your personal circumstances. When being sued in NY, there is a limited amount of time in which to respond in order to avoid a possible default judgment. Call today to learn how we can help.


Or Call Today: (888) 301-0584

About the Mandarich Law Group Debt Collectors

The Mandarich Law Group represents companies that are seeking to recovery old debts. Some of their client's are large debt buying companies such as:

  1. Cach llc
  2. JHPDE Finance
  3. Cavalry SPV I

It has recently come to our attention that many of the files that were being handled in New York by the law firm of Grossman & Karaszewski have now been transferred to the Mandarich Law Group for further servicing. Although they are based in Chicago, IL, Mandarich claims to have attorneys admitted to practice in over 20-states, including New York. Many of their debt buyer client's purchase old credit card debts from creditors such as Citibank and Bank of America, or purchase from other debt buying intermediaries.

Consumer Protection Laws

When the Mandarich law firm attempts to collect on a debt, they are subject to consumer laws, such as the FDCPA. In New York, their collection attempts would be subject to regulations under the NY Department of Financial Services. In New York City, additional protections are granted by the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs. If the collectors at the Mandarich law firm violate your consumer rights under federal law, you might be entitled to compensation of up to $1000 in statutory damages, plus actual damages (if any), plus your attorneys fees could be covered.

Defending Lawsuits from Mandarich Law Group LLP in New York

Having an experienced attorney by your side can made a huge difference in how your case proceeds. Not only are our lawyers experienced in identifying possible defenses, such as those pertaining to statute of limitations and lack of standing, we can also compile your hardship information and present it in a manner conducive to reaching a settlement that fits your situation. Trust us to put forth our skills to zealously advocate on your behalf. Call us to learn how we can help.

Call the Law Office of Simon Goldenberg, PLLC at (888) 301-0584 for a case evaluation.
